A Christian and an American: The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President Donald Trump’s Inauguration
A Christian and an American The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and President Donald Trump’s Inauguration 20 I 25 Today, especially, I am, in the best sense of the word, proud of who I am. I am first, a Christ follower and second, I am an American citizen. My 76 years of living and my near death experience puts things in different perspective and greater clarity. First, I am a Christian. I have found a love that will not let me go. His name is Jesus. And to follow Him has given me purpose and meaning for my life that I would not have otherwise. It means that what God has called me to do has eternal significance both personally and in the world. There is nothing outside my faith that could give me what He has given me. Coming from worship this past Sunday filled me with joy knowing that God revealed Himself to the world and to me (an epiphany) Second, I am an American. In my younger years I took for granted and gave little thought to ...