Sharecropper's Inheritance:
James 1:12-15 (HCSB)12 A man who endures trials is blessed, because when he passes the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him. 13 No one undergoing a trial should say, “I am being tempted by God.” For God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself doesn’t tempt anyone. 14 But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desires. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.
The Super Bowl is this weekend. We are in conference college basketball tournaments and working our way into the final Four of “March Madness”. Exciting. Yet, the focus seems to be on the gambling advertisements to bet on a team, on a player, on a score, etc. and that has become overwhelming. But the facade of having fun is transparent and we can see its intent: to capture as many repeat gamblers as they can. One could see through it because if one places a $5 bet you get $200 in free bonus bets, no matter if one wins or loses the first bet. That makes no sense unless the gambling organizations want to reach into our human sinful nature and get us caught up betting so much so that one does not want to stop no matter how much they lose. And it is so accessible and easy to to make a bet.
Being from Kentucky, I have learned to expect that from the Kentucky Derby promoters, but I never thought it would get this far. There was the lottery, casino gambling all wetting (tempting) the sinful appetites off our human nature. And it is now prevailing on the college, and university level.
The symbol that some organizations use, the fishhook, symbolizes the tempting nature of wanting something and not realizing what it will do to you. And the fisherman or fisherwoman can say with exclamation: “caught you!”
James uses the birth metaphor to describe what happens when we succumb to temptation:
James 1:15 (HCSB): Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to death.
We all have desires, we are all tempted. Temptation is not the sin but when you are addicted to filling that desire and can’t let go then that is temptation that has enticed you, caught you and it is most difficult to stop. That is “sin”. And, sin leads to death, first, emotional death; then spiritual death and eventually physical death. In Genesis we read:
Genesis 4:7 (HCSB): If you do what is right, won’t you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.”
There is a hymn that Becky broke out singing when we were discussing this, and it is very instructive. I can hear her mother singing it in the kitchen at the farmhouse and now Becky singing it at our kitchen table this morning.
1 Yield not to temptation,
For yielding is sin;
Each vict’ry will help you,
Some other to win;
Fight valiantly onward,
Evil passions subdue;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through….
Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen and keep you;
He is willing to aid you,
He will carry you through.
2 Shun evil companions,
Bad language disdain;
God’s name hold in rev’rence,
Nor take it in vain;
Be thoughtful and earnest,
Kindhearted and true;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain]
3 To him that o’ercometh,
God giveth a crown;
Through faith we will conquer,
Though often cast down;
He who is our Savior,
Our strength will renew;
Look ever to Jesus,
He will carry you through. [Refrain]
H.R. Palmer
Please don’t succumb to temptation. Temptation is not a sin, but too often our sin (the: “I want, I want” sin) of selfishness turns temptation into the sin. We find ourselves hooked on it and can’t get away from it. There is a reason that in gambling advertisements, there is a subtle warning that states: “Problem Gambling Helpline” and then gives a telephone number. They are required to print that, but it is in the small print, and is lost so you won’t see it. They want you to have a problem with gambling because it means more money for them.
By comparison, I don’t drink alcohol. Yes, there is the constant debate of whether drinking alcohol is a sin our not. But before that was even part of my discourse, I decided that I would not consume it because the tendency to become dependent upon it is part of my DNA.
Even if I thought it okay for me to drink alcoholic beverages, its would be a sin for me to make it part of my drinking regimen. Gambling might have the same affect on you. Just don’t start. And this leads to my last comment.
Likewise, even if you make that one bet, and you take no other bet, what kind of witness are you to others that see you do it or know of you doing it. So, they think it is okay for them to do it, only to find that they are hooked on it even though you may not be at the time.
If you are hooked on gambling or any thing that has addicted you, the hymn above tells us: Ask the Savior to help you. Learn to love the Savior that leads to life more than you love the sin that leads to death.
Sharecropper’s Inheritance, 4 II 25
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